He Really Cares
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 NLT
If it is a care for you, it's a care for Him.
Never forget that!
I’m afraid that too many of us who belong to God somehow believe He doesn’t have time to care about our problems. Author Sarah Hauser wrote, “When we’re worried, we can easily lose sight of who God is. Maybe deep down, we believe our problems are bigger than He is. Or we believe He’s so busy dealing with the cosmic battle of good versus evil or the ‘big’ issues in the world that He doesn’t have time for the minutiae of our lives.”1
Nothing could be further from the truth!
God is all-powerful, and God is not bound by time. He is not limited like you and me. While your issue may appear to be an unscalable mountain, you’re talking to the One Who made the mountains! He made the universe!!
This verse in 1 Peter reminds us that He truly cares about you and everything that is causing you concern or anxiety. He wants to take that load off your shoulders, so give it to Him and leave it with Him.
Dear Father in Heaven, I acknowledge that I am not wise enough, strong enough, or capable enough to handle the cares, anxieties, and problems of life. In obedience to Your Word, I bring them to You now, and give them to Your care. I rest in Your love and goodness. Thank You for loving and caring for me. Amen.
1 All Who Are Weary, 57